Mother in law

Ever since I had my daughter my in laws have become the most disrespectful people ever. We currently live with them till we get on our feet but here's whats going baby is 9 months old. I'm kinda a germ a phob but for the right reasons.. I just don't want anyone kissing my baby yanno? We brought it up from the start, they seemed totally understanding. But then began to do as they pleased.. we told them about it ahain, not to kiss her. His father threw a tantrum saying there better not be limits to what he can do with his grandchild. We argued and nothing changed. She's now 9 months and we brought things up today that concerns us, like them kissing her, his mother taking her and saying no when I want or need her back, or just ripping her from my arms. Basically just acting like my child is hers. So my boyfriend was at work and texted her bc she was also workimg, she of course threw a fit both in laws came home, (I had a package at the door I didn't know about in which they decided to literally throw it across the room into my door waking my sleeping baby)...... They were stomping around yelling Italian at each other when my boyfriend got home nothing was said to him and I also stayed in my room to avoid them. So a couple hours later we were trying to get the baby to sleep (she took a late nap so we knew it was gonna be a rough night) so she was crying and his dad proceed to text his phone and say "the baby is upset because she wants to see her grandparents" and then another "just drank a whole bottle of wine I speak the truth more now than ever" like are you kidding me? You expect me to bring my baby to see you after you're clearly drunk and angry???

Wtf do I do. I have no family, no where to go. My boyfriend and I just opened a restaurant & are barely getting by as is. .

I just wanna get away from them. And keep the baby as far away as possible..