Progesterone injections


I went to my OB yesterday for a check up, they initially had me dated at 28 weeks but after the scan the Dr. came in and discussed my baby is measuring 30 weeks, and everything looked great....well I mentioned I’ve been having a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen—I’m also taking progesterone shots weekly due to my previous history of delivery preterm. She did the pelvis exam and told me I’m dilated to 1 cm...I’m thinking great 😑...last time I took these shots with my son they stopped them at 35 weeks and he was delivered 4 days later, this time my ob wants to keep me on them until 37 question is has anyone taken these and still gone into labor before they were finished with them? And also once they stopped how soon did you deliver? I know it’s possible to stay 1 cm dilated for weeks and be okay...just kinda anxious after my appointment yesterday.