how to tell him i don’t want to meet up

so i’ve been talking to this guy that I met on tinder a lot and he’s super super sweet but I don’t wanna meet up and i’ve gotten myself in this deep hole now cause i have a hard time saying no and I made plans just so he would stop asking me and then canceled them and now i’ve made plans again. I keep being so indecisive about it and thinking maybe I should just meet up with him, even tho I know he wants a friends with benefits relationship and i don’t. I honestly just got my tinder to talk to some guys for a while and flirt I didn’t mean for it to go this far. and I know guys I’m an asshole, I have always had a problem with saying no and i’ve always protected people feelings at my own expense. I don’t want to hurt his feelings cause we talk a LOT and he even wants to facetime tonight. ugh. what can I say to him that’s not rude!? I just don’t want to do it.. i’m not in the right headspace for it. I recently got out of a relationship and after thinking about it i’m not the type of person to do be a friends with benefits. do i just ghost him????? I don’t want to tho, he’s so nice :(