How do I ask???

I first want to say I absolutely love my boyfriend. And this might be a stupid post but idk. I come from a very abusive background growing up my mother was extremely manipulative so I am always trying to make sure I’m not being manipulative at all. (Open and honest) My boyfriend is the most amazing guy I’ve ever met and he wants me to stay home and not work so I’ve been doing the “housewife” thing for a bit now. I always say if money is tight or whatever I will work it’s not a big deal so I always offer and he always says no it’s okay I would rather you stay home (which I am content with staying home I enjoy cooking and cleaning and stuff) we didn’t do Christmas gifts this year cuz We didn’t want the obligation of gift giving I cooked and we had a nice dinner together but that’s all we wanted to do. But the past few months I’ve been researching this nail stuff (I know it’s stupid) and I’ve brought it up a couple of times b4 Halloween and once I think last weekend (and no I don’t think he owes me anything or whatever this is just something I’ve been wanting for a while lol) I just feel weird asking for things I am used to making my own money and paying my own way and I don’t want to be manipulative at all or make him feel like he isn’t doing a good job because he is an amazing man and I tell him that all the time I just feel kinda stupid for overthinking this and I don’t want to come across as a stuck up bitch or a gold digger cuz I’m not at all. Should I just wait to ask or should I drop it? how do I ask cuz it’s not something I need but I’ve really wanted it for a while now idk. And again I do not want to be manipulative at all I would rather not have it at that point lol I just don’t feel right asking for stuff he is so good to me and I don’t feel like I am contributing enough just by doing the stuff around the house