Please help

Sorry if this is long but bear with me. I’ve always had anxiety. Over a year ago I started having panic attacks that interfered with my life. So I started seeing a therapist and got on esitalopram (lexapro.) It was great, didn’t have any issues. About 8 months after being on it I got pregnant and miscarried. I was told that the med can cause an increased risk of mc. Me and my SO wanted to started trying again right away so I decided I wasn’t going to risk another mc possibly and so I stopped taking the med. I got pregnant a month after. I was fine for a few months after I stopped but for the past few months I’ve had crippling anxiety and panic attacks. It’s hard to go anywhere or do anything. I’m currently almost 22 weeks. I’ve thought about just trying to suck it up for the rest of the pregnancy for the sake of my baby, because I really don’t want to expose her to any medications. The thought of birth gives me panic attacks and I’m not even close to giving birth, so I can’t imagine what I’ll be like when the time actually comes. I guess what I’m trying to ask is, has anyone ever been put on a med for panic disorder in the middle of your pregnancy? And was everything okay? If you have any advice for me I’d really like to hear it. Thanks