Venting because when you're a mom you have no one

Today's been one of those day where you wake up thinking it will be a great day...

Then you feel stuck like time moves so slow because being ttc is 1 day at a time so is losing weight along with moving and getting a bigger vehicle but you dont want it to move any faster and your kids to get any older or wish away time but you're ready for new things in life...

But you wanna see that opk get dark, see those 2 lines, surprise your husband, plan a cute announcement, see your bump because you lost the weight.

I have felt so many emotions today and idk if it's my hormones...

Joy and daughter is another month closer to her birthday.

Fear my family will judge me because I'm ttc. (They seen an ovulation test)

Anger my husband just has so many wants and not the same as me... idk of he is scared of letting go of being young but we are parents now.

Sadness of not losing the weight from my pregnancy with my daughter.

And randomly hit with just wanting to cry and be in my husband's arms but he is working.