First time mom.



I'm due on the 26th and am a first time mom. I am so worried I won't know when I am going into labor and won't call in time. I think I am having Braxton hicks but I question every little twinge for fear I'm not going to know. Can anyone empathize?

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This isn't my first baby and I feel like I won't even know for sure... I was induced with my first, plus every night I get contractions 5mins apart, last a min and last for at least an hour one night they lasted for 3 but weren't unbearable. I'm not up for going to l&d all the time. I'm just waiting for them to be closer, my water to break, or them be painful rather than just uncomfortable. Thankfully I'm super close to the hospital where I feel okay doing this.


Posted at
For those of you worried, read up on "emotional sign posts" in labor. I took Bradley Method classes with my first and found it to be super helpful with all three of my previous labors. But the emotional sign posts help you gauge where in labor you are. Are you feeling nervous and excited through your contractions? Can you carry on a conversation or go about whatever task your working on? You're likely in early labor. No need to rush to the hospital. This phase can last quite a while.Are you feeling serious? Do you have to stop everything you're doing and work through the contraction? Does it take all of your focus? You're probably in active labor. You may want to leave for the hospital soon. Time your contractions and call your provider.Transition happens right before you are ready to push. You feel like giving up. You can't do it. You shake, have chills or vomit. This is a pretty quick phase that happens right as you're fully dialated. Those are my quick summary, but look into it yourself. Good luck!


Rebecca • Jan 6, 2020
Thought I'd remind myself of these, so I just googled. This is a good chart


Posted at
I feel you. This is my 3rd baby and I’m still worried I won’t know. Luckily with my first 2 my water broke, so I knew it was time to go. I’m hoping for the same to happen this time.


Posted at
This is my third baby and I feel the same way haha. With my second I definitely knew I was in labor when the contractions started coming regularly and progressively getting more intense. I had already lost my mucous plug. But I did decide to lay down in my bed until the contractions became too painful and that’s when I was going to call my midwives. When I decided it was too painful and I called them, my water broke and I was at 10cm dilated in like 30 minutes. I was doing a homebirth but if you were doing a hospital birth I could see where it would be hard to tell when to go in. With my first I did hospital and ended up going in and then being sent home. I don’t think any of that was helpful lol but just know you’re not alone 💕


Posted at
I’m also due on the 26th with my first. I have the exact same concerns. I’ve tried to read as much as I can to see what happens to other women when labor starts, but everyone is so different, there’s just no way to know for sure, or so it seems....I’m just hoping that I’ll know it when it starts to happen and not end up going in tooooo early and being in a hospital situation longer than required, or waiting to long and having a problem. I’d really rather not go to a hospital at all, I want a home birth with midwives. But I’m 41 and this wasn’t planned and not supposed to be able to have kids, so I think I’m still in shock that this is even happening to me. I haven’t gotten anything set up yet or packed a hospital bag, and idfeel much more comfortable being able to do this whole thing at home, but maybe being my first time the hospital is safer??!! But absolutely makes me uncomfortable. I am gonna have to drive myself to the hospital, I’m not even sure if that’s gonna be possible??? My fiancé doesn’t have a current valid license so other than going to the hospital very early on, when it’s still ok for me to drive, I’d have to get a ride or call an ambulance I guess. Cause im not sure what’s the cops would do if we got pulled over while in labor if he drove...but due to my fear of the hospital situation I am worried I’ll wait to long and then have the baby at home with something bad happening...or NOT even knowing that it’s REALLY REALLY happening...I’m sorry I have no advice, I was reading this and decided to share my situation, with the hopes that someone can give us both good advice🤞🏻 I wish you the best of luck sweetie!!! Please keep me posted on what happens and how you’re doing.