My husband and I started trying to have a family in July 2014

Gillian • After 18 months of trying my husband and I finally got our big fat positive!!!!!!!
My husband and I started trying to have a family in July 2014.. After a full year of trying I went to my doctor and had an hsg test done. Everything was fine, no blocked tubes. My husband went to have a sperm analysis, came back with low motility. I was devastated thought we weren't going to be able to get pregnant on our own. My obgyn gave me two scripts for clomid to see if a little boost would help.. So in Sept 2015 I took my first round, tracked my ovulation and temp.. We baby danced on all the right days.. During our two week wait we decided to go see a fertility specialist just in case the clomid didn't work..we went and met with the doctor gave all our background.. And told her we would be in touch if the clomid didn't work! Well on October 18th my husband and I got our BFP!!!!