


I found out 5 days ago I was pregnant & I am currently miscarrying. I’m going through every emotion you can think of, a part of me wants to get back on birth control bc I don’t want to go through this pain ever again. But a part wants to keep trying. We were TTC. How soon after a miscarriage did you ladies conceive again & go on to have a healthy pregnancy?

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I miscarried in may 2019 and I decided to take some months toMyself started trying again and now I’m 9 weeks and 4 days hoping this one sticks 🌈 I’d say give yourself time to heal and then try again 💛✨


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Miscarriage at end of April. Still trying with no luck. Have two other friends where it took about a year from their miscarry to conceive again. Good luck and many hugs!


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I’m so sorry, I unfortunately know the pain. I miscarried in May, waited one cycle to try again and got pregnant right away. I am now 27 weeks! Just allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel, cry, talk about it, eat your feelings. It will always be hard, it still is for me, but it does get manageable eventually. Hang in there! 💕


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I’m so sorry you’re going through this 🖤