First time TTC

Hello lovelies! I could really use some positivity (& baby dust😍). My boyfriend & I just started TTC this month, but since September, i’ve had a few pregnancy ‘scares’ which all turned out to be negative. I’ve wanted to be a mom for some time now, I’m 23, but grew up with 2 best friends who are married & have kiddos. Do you ever feel like you’re just destined to be a mom? Because same, it’s my main goal in life😭 Anyways, even though we haven’t been TTC until this month, I found myself getting so down about these recent negative tests.. it almost made me feel like I was infertile or I was doing something wrong. I mean we weren’t trying, but we weren’t preventing either. My man kept saying ‘it will happen when the time is right & the time just isn’t right yet’.. I knew he was right. Now that we are actually TTC, I’m just asking for some good advice on how to keep my stress levels down, as well as some positive vibes❤️ After today, my fertile window is pretty much over.. so now it’s just a waiting game. Spreading baby dust to all!