newborn thrush/bleeding diaper rash

Amber • Amber Armendariz-Cruz 25 ♏️ Wife👩🏻‍🤝‍👨🏽 Mom 💙💙💗

My baby has the worst diaper rash ever and I couldn’t understand why. He’s only 6 days old. 😔

I thought his poop might be acidic or something as it was super yellow and had a tiny pit of mucus in it(formula fed only) and so I had been putting some basic cream on him every diaper change. Today it got so much worse so I thought maybe a reaction to the formula. He poops so many times a day and his rash got so bad that his bottom is chapped and bleeding. I feel so helpless. 😥 my mom came over and saw his tongue and thought he might have thrush and that it’s in his poop causing the bad rash. 😭

I’m waiting for the on call nurse to call me on what I can do before I can get him in the doctor tomorrow. I’m so sad and I want to cry because he’s in pain when he poops or pees. 😔💔