TW: Eating Disorder?

This is more of a vent/realization.

In high school I was always 185-190. Senior year I got into a relationship and just kind of gained a bunch of weight. At my heaviest I weight 290. A few years ago I lost weight and now I’m 225. I have a problem with not eating often enough, which I’m well aware of it being bad for me. I also make sure I don’t eat anything before 11 a.m.. I also have this rule that I can’t eat another meal for eight hours no less. This doesn’t include snacks. So say I eat at 12 p.m. I can’t eat dinner until 8 p.m. at the earliest. I have this weird body image where I look at myself in the mirror and see someone who’s 600+ lbs. I know it’s a problem and I’m really trying to fix it but it’s hard.