Worried and scared


I haven’t been diagnosed with PCOS but I have the symptoms so that’s why I’m posting on here

So I tend to go months without a period and about 5 days ago I got a really heavy period all of the sudden like changing my pad every hour and it was really red and just constantly coming out I have also been having a lot of blood clots and HORRIBLE cramps where I can’t even sleep or breathe sometimes because it hurts and after midol and heating pads it still doesn’t help

Well this morning I woke up and I had no blood so I was all excited thinking I was done but nope after a couple hours later my entire pad was covered and I’ve had to change it basically every hour since :/

What do y’all think? Is this normal? Should I be concerned?

I’m worried already because from having no period for like 6 months at a time sometimes and those periods being light to this really heavy long period it’s just weird!