

My daughter has had a cold since the day after Christmas no big deal I had it to so we were dealing. Well over this past weekend I noted low diaper counts both Saturday and Sunday monday I monitored very close all day and even with full access to anything to drink (even juice which she has never been offered) she had 2 wet diapers that were hardly even wet between 10am when she woke till 7pm when husband got home. At that point we took her in because we knew it had been to long without enough output. In the ER they were not concerned about the diaper output but the cough. Lungs sounded clear but still prescribed antibiotics for 5 days and said if she isnt better by monday to take her into see her normal pediatrician. Problem is we leave for vacation in Florida Monday night. Monday day her pediatrician has no openings even her normal few that she keeps for emergencies are booked due to her being family medicine she has moms scheduled for c sections. Her cough is slightly better but her diaper output is still only around 3 and very light. I can take her into walk in twmr were are pediatrician is the doctor on duty. I'm just looking for advice I dont want to get worse while we are out of town. But I also dont want to go in for a cold. Noone seems to be worried about her diapers because she is still really active but i know kids can act ok until they arnt and going somewhere so warm could be that tipping point. Am i worrying to much about the low diaper out put? She is 21 months if that matters.