Anyone take Clomid Jan 7-11? CD 14, looking for a buddy

Kristen ✨

Hi! I’m 34 yo, I have 3 kids conceived naturally (17, 14, 12) and now TTC #4....diagnosed with secondary PCOS recently when I went over 3 months without a period and had to take Provera to force a period. 1st round of Clomid (100 mg) taken CD 3-7. I think I ovulated CD 13, but not sure. My OPKs are always dark, (never got one darker than the control) but I think I got a positive on CD 12 because it looked equal to the control and early AM on CD 13 I had ovarian aches. I went ahead and bought a digital OPK (Clearblue) yesterday afternoon and used it this morning...I got a flashing smiley (high) but not sure if it’s picking up the end of a surge from CD 12, or if it’s bc I always have elevated LH or

what. Gahhh! I plan to keep testing just in case. I know most should ovulate 5-10 days after the last Clomid pill, but I also know for others it can throw your cycle off and ovulate later.