Paranoid that my waters have broken at 20 weeks!


So I’m a worrier and overthink a lot. I was feeling my little girl move around a lot this morning and kicking harder than I’ve ever felt before which is unusual before this I’ve only felt soft movements and not as often or consistent, usually I only feel her a little at night when I go bed and lay down. I had an upset stomach so went to the bathroom while I was doing the toilet while pushing (tmi) I felt a gush I can’t tell where it came from since I have a bladder condition and sometimes I have to push to pee so maybe it was just pee? I also have streptococcus b which doesn’t help my anxiety over this since it can cause your waters to burst prematurely. Since then I haven’t really felt her move much, maybe she’s tired? No fluid has been leaking so that’s a good sign. I don’t want to contact anyone because I just feel stupid because it might just be me over thinking and I also have my 20 week scan first thing on Monday morning so they’ll probably just ask me to hang on since I’ve had no cramping or leaking. Thoughts?