Looking back!


Sitting here rubbing my big ol belly (31 weeks pregnant with my second) I realize how much different this pregnancy is from my first and how much I’ve accomplished that I don’t give myself enough credit for since my first. When I had my daughter, I was 15 in a relationship with my boyfriend for a year and a half? Maybe two years at that time. I got pregnant my first time having sex surprisingly, my mother was more of a friend (god bless her, we still love her with all our hearts) but she still had a lot of maturing to do at 34 so I guess that is how I ended up not really knowing about safe sex, not that I would take ANYTHING back. Anyway, found out I was pregnant, of course we were spooked but not that spooked, I’ve been maternal since I was young always being called mother hen so I didn’t have a bad ‘freak out’ and neither did he. I had my daughter halfway through grade 10 and I realized that I never took off ‘maternity leave’ I jumped right back into second semester grade 10 two weeks pp. my life after that consisted of school, taking care of my baby, then homework when she fell asleep, I didn’t go hangout with a single friend for a year and a half even though I had lots of friends in school from sport teams, I made sure to make them strictly school and texting friendships so I could prioritize my time, which is impressive looking back for how young I was. After that I graduated grade 12 with honours which was also super good, I had such high marks it was crazy. Her father and I are still together (7 years this month) on our own, done school, good jobs at 20/21 and expecting our second! Anyway sorry I’m feeling super emotional and proud of myself for all of this and needed to vent some where!