Took a clear blue pregnancy test 26 days after unprotected sex. Should I trust the negative?

Some people said I shouldn’t trust it because those test aren’t really sensitive

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Posted at
Clear blue has always worked for me 3 days after a missed period so I would trust it being as that’s 26 days your levels should/would have been high enough for it to pick up. Those ones are for early testing too so not sure about other people unless they somehow got a faulty one.


Posted at
By 26 days after, you can trust the test.


A • Jan 19, 2020
You were 8 weeks pregnant when you got a positive?


Anonymous • Jan 19, 2020
Not true. I didnt get a BFP until 30 days late. Everyone is different


Posted at
I’d take another, not a digital but maybe just a pink dye test.


Posted at
I didnt get a positive pregnancy test until my period was a month late. But I've also been 2 months late and not been pregnant.