I just knew...

So I am currently pregnant, 15 weeks, with baby #2. Baby #1 (a boy) will be 1 next week! So when I was pregnant with baby #1 I never really threw up but just felt nauseous🤢 ALL the time until 14 weeks, I also had A LOT of food aversions including not being able to eat meat until after 14 weeks. Also baby #1 I had flawless skin and overall just had that "glow". Well baby #2 comes around and BAM week 7 I start puking🤮 and I haven't stopped yet sometimes 5-6 times a day. I've lost 10lbs since I found out I was pregnant!🙄 BUT no food aversions, I can eat anything I want it just might be coming back up! Also my skin is HORRIBLE I feel like a zitty mess and the only glow I have is sweat from puking!🤣 Well naturally I assume I'm having a girl because well these pregnancies have just been so different. At 10 weeks we do a the sneak peek test and BAM it says BOY...I wasn't disappointed just more in shock because I just KNEW it was a girl. Well fast forward to 15 weeks, we've picked out a boy name told our families life is good. Well, something nagging in my said get one of those gender ultrasounds...so I did. My husband and I went today and BAM it's a GIRL!!! (She had her legs wide open and there was definitely NOTHING between those legs for the whole time) My husband and I are in shock again but so excited!!! I'm telling you, I JUST KNEW 🥰