Over emotional? Or am I right?

So I’m 35 weeks pregnant and walk with a limp constantly due to pain because baby is laying on a nerve.

I never ask my husband to do much around the house. Even less now I’m on maternity leave. He will moan at me for not doing the tiniest of things sometimes. Like not taking the trash out after cooking. When after I’ve eaten I clean the kitchen, bath our son and get him sorted for bed, then make husband a drink, make sure lunch is ready for them for tomorrow. Am I wrong for getting mad/upset? He can see I limp (and will sometimes take the Micky out of me for it) and knows I’m in constant pain but never offers to help?

I’m feeling very low recently and I feel like he’s making me worse. Calling me fatty and other names (when I wasn’t pregnant I was very slim so it makes me self conscious), we haven’t had sex since mid-November and I feel like it’s because I’ve gotten bigger. We spoke about things the other day and I told him how I felt but nothing seems to have changed. I feel like he hasn’t listened to me at all. I feel like it’s pushing me away from him and I’m snapping at him more due to being angry/upset. Am I in the wrong?