Miscarriage at 5 weeks (first round of femara )

A🤍 • Survivor of 8 miscarriages & 2 ectopic pregnancies ❤️

I started my first round of letrozole (femara ) on the 9th of December and Just a week ago I started bleeding, we went straight to hospital who said basically it could be a miscarriage and sent me home with cocodimol (no tests, no blood work , no scan ) they asked for me to call early pregnancy the next day , so I did and again was told just wait it out at home and to test again in a weeks time , if results where still positive. , naturally the bright red blood was only for two days which then turned to brown sort of stringy stuff (sorry tmi) , my pregnancy test results are still as strong as the first one I took when I first found out I was pregnant 2/3 weeks ago( not darker but again not lighter). The only thing I have been offered is a blood test tomorrow afternoon ... is this common ?