Clomid is best if everything is ok with you

I hv regular cycle (32 days). Generally ovulation happened on cd 18/19. I hv been trying last few months but nothing happened. So OB suggested me for clomid 50mg from next cycle. Is it harmful to my body? Im scared by reading -ve reviews of clomid.

Today is my cd 13, got bfn😰 af is due on tomorrow. Plz help me ladies should I try naturally or take a help of clomid🤔

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Posted at
Hi guys I was on clomid cycle from day 5 to day 9 and then had an hcg trigger shot on day15 I.e on 4th Jan , I should have ovulated on day 16 or 17thI took a pregnancy test on day 29 and it was negative Today am on 32 day of my cycle with no period Is my period late coz I ovulated late ?? Plz help me


Ayesha • Jan 21, 2020
Thank you Laura


Laura • Jan 20, 2020
When I ovulated late my period was late.


Posted at
We tried Clomid even though there's nothing wrong with me. I mean for me it didn't do any long term harm, but it didn't necessarily help us conceive either.Funnily enough we did actually conceive the month AFTER the Clomid course but it ended in an early miscarriage.For background, we have been TTC since August 2017. We had the one miscarriage in Feb 2019 and have not been able to conceive again. Other than trying one month of birth control in October (as I read that one month of not ovulating resulted in a higher success rate of women who underwent IVF), we haven't tried any other medications since, but we have tried various supplements. If this month is unsuccessful, I'm going to try Vitex (which I've heard you shouldn't use if you're regular, but it's a natural progesterone booster at this stage I've literally got nothing to lose).