This is what postpartum was for me ...

Postpartum depression and anxiety hit me hard with this pregnancy. It started with not sleeping and overly checking on my NB to make sure he was ok. It was constantly checking on my toddler to make sure she was ok. It was a noise from an animal outside the window and my mind would run through a 1000 different scenarios. It was starting a project around the house and bouncing to another one. It was rage and anger and sadness and hopelessness. I got help much needed help. It’s been a month since I started treatment and today was the first day that I started a cleaning task and stuck with it. My

house and chores became overwhelming I was just surviving from day to day. My husband tried to help he cooked and helped wash laundry and made sure the kids had their baths but he works 2 full jobs to make up for my lost income. I wouldn’t let my mother in law come over when she offered help bc I felt like she would judge me. 

This was my kitchen for months!!

I spent the whole day cleaning/organizing the kitchen while taking care of my two kids without feeling stressed or overwhelmed and not once did I feel like hiding in a dark room to cry!

My kitchen now looks like this

It’s not 100% done but it’s progress!

Sorry for the long post but it helps me to get thoughts and feelings out. And maybe this post will help another mom whose struggling.