Depressed after minor car accident?

Yesterday, I had an interview super early in a downtown area, a place where I don’t usually drive. I left an hour early, it was freezing outside and I rolled my window down to wipe some of the dew off so I could see. The cord for the window snapped and wouldn’t roll back up. I had to switch cars, already leaving later than I needed to leave. It was all good, I got downtown and was driving to the building i need to be at. I was driving past cars and was excited for my interview. Then, there was a van in a no parking zone, pulled further out and I didn’t notice. My passenger side mirror smacked his. It scared the shit out of me. (I’m 19 and have never had anything like this happen. I grazed my mailbox when learning to drive but it didn’t even do anything to the car.) I pulled into the parking garage so I wouldn’t block traffic. My mirror is completely gone. The other cars mini mirror (below the main side mirror) was cracked. The plastic part was pushed forward but that was it. I was bawling the entire time. I left a note with my number. Insurance wise, I’m fine.

So, why am I feeling so down? The entire day I’ve done nothing and just felt exhausted. Yesterday, I cried so much and felt I should literally never drive again. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 15. And I’ve always had anxiety. Is it related to that? Idk, I’m just feeling down.