Positive OPK it I can’t schedule my IUI 😢

Tay • Wife & I have been together 10 years & married 5 TTC #1 via natural IUI ... 1st IUI Feb 2020 ❌ • 2nd IUI March 2020 🤰🏽

Hey ladies... so I’m a little bummed. This is my wife and I’s first cycle attempt and today I got a positive OPK. Of course I’m freakin excited and of course a little nervous but I call my nurse to try and schedule my appointment for tomorrow only to be told there are no openings. I can’t help to feel a way about it but there is literally nothing else that we can do so I’m trying to keep the positive vibes flowing.

I have an appointment scheduled for Friday morning but I’m curious if any of you have had success with your <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> that was scheduled later than the day after your first positive test?