PCOS, Ovulation, Sex and bleeding


So I was diagnosed with PCOS a while back and it was hard. My husband and I have a almost 6 year old and before when I got pregnant with our son I didnt have PCOS. But a year after having him my period simply stopped I had no clue why. I went to a obgyn and he simply said I was overweight and that is why my period stopped. But I didnt understand because I weighed less then what I weighed before i got pregnant with my son. I had lost my insurance a month later so I never went back to the Obgyn and I didnt have a period for 3 years. Then all of a sudden I started again so I went to the obgyn (a different one this time.) And they diagnosed me with PCOS. Finally i knew what was wrong with me and they gave me advice to help it. I have had a period every month for the last year and a half right on schedule without any medication help either. But my husband and I are trying for baby #2 and have been for maybe 3 months and every time around ovulation we do the deed but this time after doing the deed today I went to the bathroom right after and everything was fine and then an hour later i went pee and wiped and there was blood i was like great my period started early (which never happens) but I wiped again and then nothing the blood was gone. Can anyone answer why I maybe bled. Today is high on my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">ovulation calendar</a> it is 26.2%.