Cycle buddy?!đź‘€

Alexis • Girl mom x1. 💕 ttc #2✨ 24


AF came today🙄

But I am excited the “wait” is over. For this next cycle I just ordered ovulation strip test (easy@home). I also ordered pink stork fertility tea🤤. I think I might make a target run tomorrow to get the pink stork fertility sweets too!

Flo is predicting my ovulation date Feb 6th and Glow is predicting Feb 9th! I’m really hoping to conceive this cycle, doing the math the dob would be around the very end of Oct or very beginning of Nov. This would be perfect due to my 1st child’s dob is 11/19, and we would want to avoid having a child too close to out 1st and during the holidays.

I’m also feeling a little more confident in knowing my body. I’m understanding what my Cm should look like when ovulating also what my cervix should feel like and where it should be located during ovulation and if becoming pregnant.