PMS Makes me feel Neurotic

KLS • 💙💙Baby Boy due 8.17.18💙 R.C.S Born 8.4.18💙

And I dont just mean unusually bitchy...

My first son is 18 months and for the last several months for at least a week before my period I feel my anxiety through the roof, I start to completely hate my job which is usually somewhat tolerable ( I in no way like it but thats another story). I start to panic that I'm stuck where I'm at and will be working in hell for the rest of my life which causes me to grasp at every prospective opportunity. I become completely obsessed with trying to work from home so that I can stay with my son. It causes me to feel like I'm spiralling into depression with no way to stop myself. I dont know that this has anything to do with postpartum I just know I've never had to deal with any kind of PMS or anything and honestly I'm not sure it's even related to my period cause one month it seemed to last all month. I dont know what to do anymore but I cant continue to feel this way.. anyone else ever have anything similar? What was the outcome?