How do I bring this up with my boyfriend?

Me and my boyfriend don’t talk daily, sometimes not for a week. It’s really setting off my anxiety. I feel like he doesn’t talk to me because I’m not good enough. I don’t want to annoy him while he’s around his friends, which is all the time. And every time we speak someone teases him about us and he gets embarrassed and leaves. But he never approaches me either and I just feel so worthless. I want to approach him about it but I don’t know when or how. I don’t want him to feel like it’s all his fault either. I don’t know what to say and everyone is just saying “communication is important.” Duh, I’m trying to communicate, but how do I tell him that I feel like he doesn’t care about me and that our relationship is falling apart but it’s because I have anxiety and it’s not his fault but also he needs to put in more effort because I might have another mental breakdown and consequently break up with him?


So apparently he was in the same boat and thought HE was annoying ME. So that’s cleared up and we’re getting lunch Tuesday🥰