Do you think I should see a doctor /therapist ?

Hi I’m a 15 year old girl ,3 years ago it was like I was a completely different person I was confident outgoing and happy but over the years especially now I’ve been extremely shy ,very sad ,anxious all the time , I don’t eat at school because I feel like everyone is judging me ,I don’t talk at school because I feel like everyone is laughing at me and that I will embarrass myself

I refuse to leave the house and I always beg/cry to my parents to have days off school because I hate school so much every time I think of school it makes me anxious ,I stay home every weekend and don’t leave my room and my parents are getting worried because I’m losing weight and they think I am starving myself but I’m not

I get very emotional a lot and cry to my parents about how much I hate school

⚠️in the past I have self harmed because it did make me feel better but my parents found out and they made me promise to not do it again which I haven’t ⚠️

My parents also say that I need someone to talk to like a therapist because they know that I’m holding so much things inside from them and everyone and I never tell anyone how I feel

So the pressure builds up inside massively and it’s affecting my learning at school my grades and attendance have dropped massively

I only have 2 proper friends now because the others ones didn’t even care if I was there or not

I’m not going to say anything else
