How do you know if ttc after loss is a healthy thing for yourself? (Pic in post)


I had my wonderful baby boy Zackary November 15th, 2019. He passed away December 21st 2019. My life feels purposeless and I take his teddy bear urn with me everywhere because he's should doing all these things with me. He also has a rare genetic blood disorder (my hugs and and I had no idea we were carriers, had nipt testing and others done, but I guess they wouldn't know) that had a large impact on his life. I love him a CD I'm trying to accept what my life is now without him. I had been previously told by doctors that more pregnancies would be damaging to my health but I made my intentions very clear that I was hoping to have more children. I just don't know if I'm really emotionally ready.

Photo is of me holding my baby once last time after he passed.