Am I right to feel hurt/upset?

Last night I came home at 10pm from being at my boyfriends (I’m 21 but I still live at home while I’m going to college. I’m taking 17 credit hours this semester plus working around 25hrs/week). My mom and I were getting ready to watch one of our shows together when I made a joke about me being lazy. My dad all of the sudden says “speaking of that, me and your mom have wanted to talk to you about something. We are concerned about your weight. I asked my dad if we could please not talk about this right now because I just want to watch the show with my mom since I had to be up at 7am for work. He then starts pointing his finger at me saying there is no good time to talk about this and that I need to “stop shoveling food in my mouth” because he doesn’t want to see me blow up like a balloon and be 500 pounds. Then my mom compared me to this really obese woman on the TV and said I’m starting to remind her of her. I told him I don’t shovel food in my mouth and he said “really?” I told him he’s being hypocritical considering he eats A LOT (he literally eats more food than I’ve ever seen a person eat) and he said he eats one meal a day. Both of my parents are overweight and eat bad too and I understand they were coming from a place of concern but it all sounded very condescending. I ended up crying and my dad was getting more and more upset and said he needs to see change of me starting to take care of myself. After this conversation my dad goes in the kitchen and gets a GIANT bowl of chocolate ice cream and starts eating it after he just lectured me about “shoveling food in my mouth” and how he “only eats one meal a day.” They also went in for the umpteenth time about how they judge/don’t like my boyfriend of 6 years, and they wonder why I am hardly ever home anymore. Am I right to feel upset?

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