what would you do if your husband said these things?

when my husband gets upset he usually says the same few things:

—threats of violence

—that he’ll get another wife or 3 more (better than me) wives etc

—that he is going to take the kids away from me back to his homecountry with him (or leave me and the kids without a penny of support for them)

The last one is the one that scares me most because i beleive he could/would do it and it’s much more realistic than getting three wives lol.

Also, its one he has reiterated that he will do even in a calm and not-angry state... he has said if i dont follow his religion the way he understands it than he has no choice but to take the kids from me etc

Would this make you guys scared/nervous?

i told him he scares me with his threats and he essentially replied “yea... may god protect you from that” (may god protect me from him doing things to me??!)

The most confusing part of this is my mom knows our history, the abuse, these threats etc i always talk to my mom, but she seems to always be trying to help me stay together with him? i trust my mom more than anything because she’s always been right about everything in my life...

but also im not sure if her advice is based on the fact she knows me and my kids would likely end up back at her house (if i wasnt with my husband because he is sole provider and im a sahm) and she has way more than enough on her plate, you know?

Comment any opinions or advice...

do you thinj my husband just says these things out of anger or manipulation but they dont rly mean anything? or do you think its likely he will abuse again or get another wife/cheat or kidnap the kids and leave me with nothing etc?

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