Mom hoping for preterm labor


For some odd reason my mother keeps insisting I’m going to go into labor at any time. I’m current 32w 5d so I have absolutely no desire to go into labor anytime soon.

She seriously asked me this morning what would be the big deal if I did go into labor. Yes, my daughter is measuring almost 5lbs but I know she has a ton of developing to go. In 1965 my mom was born at 33 weeks and barely weighed 4lbs and spent a long time in the NICU so why would she want that for her granddaughter?

What’s worse is my 18 month old was born at 37 weeks but his lungs were still underdeveloped due to gestational diabetes so he spent 3 weeks in the NICU and came home on oxygen. He’s perfectly healthy now but I do not want to see another one of my children go through that.

My mom just keeps talking about how far technology has come and she’d eventually be fine. Why can’t I just carry her til full term and have her be healthy then? Yes, I want to meet my daughter so bad but I’m not going to risk her health to rush it.