For second time mamas?


For those of you that noticed, what were some of your symptoms that you were dilating?

Please no hate, I’m doing the best I can!!

The earliest I can get in to see my ob is friday.

I’m currently 26w1d and on bedrest and taking progesterone twice a day for an incompetent cervix.

I’ve been having mild to moderately painful contractions on and off for 3 weeks now.

This morning I got up off a chair after having horrible contractions and noticed the chair was wet. Everytime I have a contraction I dribble a little bit in my pants. I was just checked last week and they said I was not leaking any fluid. I’ve been having a burning feeling in my cervix (confirmed I do not have an infection). I have back pain that goes down into my legs as well.

My doctor said it’s a waiting game at this point as to when my baby will arrive as they’re already doing all they can. I’m going to be asking about medications to try to stop my contractions on Friday however.

Do you ladies think I’ll end up having my baby soon? Thank you so much for all your support and advice