Restricted umbilical blood flow 🩸

Miranda • 🖤*💙*🖤 One baby boy, with UBT. Two little ones waiting for us on the other side 🌈

Anyone have experience with restricted blood flow through the umbilical cord??

I post on here a lot.... But just to fill you in, bubba has lots of genetic issues, including severe form of Wolf Hirschhorn Syndrome. I’m 31 weeks at the moment, and have been having 3 appointments weekly to check on baby for a while now. He has been measuring really small since around 20 weeks. But we know this is because of his genetics. Most WHS babies are born between 3 and 4lbs, full term.

This week, however, on my ultrasound Dr picked up that there is restricted blood flow through the umbilical cord. Which could obviously mean he’ll be even smaller than already expected. And I’m assuming puts him at greater risk of complications.

I’m being set up with a second ultrasound per week to measure the blood flow to and from baby. Dr already said that he’s surprised we’ve made it to 31 weeks, but now we have this new concern with the flow I’m worrying.

Does anyone else have experience with restricted blood flow? And when did it get picked up? What were the impacts for you and your little one?