No kids invited


Okay, to preface my question here’s the situation. It’s my husband’s 50th this weekend (I’m 28) and we’ve been struggling almost two years to have kids, with a miscarriage in that time. He has two grown kids but they live in another country with their mother. The youngest child in our friend group is 5, but the average kid age is around 12-13. We made his 50th a KID FREE PARTY. 90% of the parents were totally down and honestly excited for a night away at our house (catered and all!) without worrying about kids. 2 of his friends wives said they’d have to stay home with the kids but that’s fine we understated. Our house is not kid friendly (whitefloors, white carpets, white walls, etc). And we are struggling to have our own so it’s always a slight dagger to the stomach to see our friends with their kids. And thirdly.....most of the parents are “cool parents” and allow their kids to swear at them, misbehave, break things, etc. For that reason alone we don’t want them in our home, along with the previously mentioned reasons.

Well my sister who has a baby and toddler (and lives in another country so isn’t on the guest list) said it was rude to exclude children and she’d be offended if she was told she couldn’t bring her kids somewhere.

So are child free parties rude? We gave 7 weeks notice and at the end of the day it’s our house and we are paying for everything and we host child friendly parties 3 times a year or more.
