If a woman was trying to sex your husband, would you want to know?

JayDee • BLM! I said what I said

In my subdivision, we use a small playground area to get our kids off the bus in the afternoon. I speak to most of the moms, but only hold conversations with 2. One of the moms I’m closest to let a few of us know that she’d be out of town for the majority of the week & asked if we could look out for her boys. Today, her husband was waiting to get the boys off the bus & this one mom was being extremely inappropriate. She kept bragging about loving to f** men in uniform, what positions she loved, & how great her head skills were. When I was walking my daughter home, I heard her say that she planned on “f**g him stupid” because he’s so damn fine. I want to tell the wife, but I don’t want to start drama in her marriage....plus she’s not a close friend. Would u tell? Would u want to know? This is really weighing on me especially because I would want someone to tell me.

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