Finally a Mom!!😍
I finally get to share my birth story, so here it is!
On 1/22 I had a doctors appt where my OB stripped my membranes and I was 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. Later that day me and hubby walked almost 800 steps trying to dilate more plus I drank midwives brew around 7pm. I started having contractions consistently around 10pm but they were sporadic. My mom sent hubby to sleep in a empty room just in case and I stayed the night on her couch while she watched over me. Around 1am the contractions woke me from my sleep and they weren't really painful but still hurt, so I just got up and went to use the restroom. When I laid back down to bed I wasn't able to sleep because the contractions continued. By 2am my mom woke up and noticed i was breathing heavily and started to look over my contraction counter and realized they were 3 -5 min apart. So woke hubby and labored a little bit longer and headed to the hospital around 6am. After being checked and told I was at 1cm still I felt completely defeated and was told I could walk for an hour and they would recheck me. After my walk I was rechecked and told I was now at a 3-4 cm and being admitted. (I can't explain the sense of pure relief thatcame over me when I heard this) After being admitted @ 8am my doctor came to break my water and he told me I was more a 2-3 dilated rather than 3-4. Once my water was broken I immediately started having consistent contractions but nothing to bad until my doctor orders pitocin because he wants to get my contractions regulated. (Which I expressed not wanting from day one) after the pit was administered my contractions became extremely intense but i was still determined on sticking to my plan for a natural birth. After 4 hours on pit with no pain meds and without the ability to get out of bed due to the doctor placing a monitor on my babies head, I was coming to my breaking point. At 1pm I finally gave in and asked for the epidural. After another 30 mins or so of crazy intense contractions I was finally given a epidural. Immediately after getting the epidural my doctor walked in to check me (i mean immediately, the epidural hadn't even kicked in yet) he tells me im at a 7-8 dilated. I can't explain how angry I was about this, I felt I could have made it longer without a epidural. My plan was to at least make it to a 8 and if i could accomplish that then I would definitely not get the epidural. Well I made it to a 8 without a epidural but wasn't told that until after I gave in. After about another 45 min my doctor came back and stated I was at a 10 and could start pushing with the nurse but ir might take me up to 3 hours my first try. Well after pushing for about 1 hour and suffering two tears I became a mom.
Welcome Greyson Wade Ryan 🥰😍😍
7lbs 14oz

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.