Porn and relationships


Okay so I'm gonna try to make this short, what I'm looking for is opinions on how you would feel as the girlfriend in this relationship.

Recently my boyfriend and I of 3 years bought a home. I'm 29 and hes 35. While getting the house in order, my boyfriend was working on getting my office and computer set up for me because I work from home.

The days that followed are having me feeling weird because however he set up the computer, its now connected to his cellphone so when I go to the history on the computer, I can also see his phone history. It's never done that before so idk what he did but it's now showing me his phone history along with my desktop history.

What I'm seeing is him watching a lot of porn while hes at work...we've been in this new house for 3 weeks now and he watches porn multiple times everyday and I'm not one to be against porn but this is bothering me.

Today he called me and said hes stopping at his friends house because they are on a cruise and he is gonna feed the animals. I went and checked the history and while hes at his friends house, hes watching porn. So when he got home I talked to him about how I can see his history, I told him how it makes me feel and I asked him if he was jerking off in his friends house and he says yes...

He went on to tell me that "hes a man, he desires women and desires to have sex with women" he says "obviously I cant be with other women so I watch porn and jerk off to it when I have the privacy "

I went on to tell him that I dont understand his "desire to have sex with other women " because I dont have the desire to sleep with other men, I told him I love him and I'm attracted to him so I'm not interested in other men like that.

Apparently that offended him because he said I was acting like "mrs. Perfect " whatever that means...he just kept saying how hes faithful but cant help but love seeing "pussy" and watching them get fucked...

Him and I have a great sex life and I've never felt unattractive until now....

Is this normal???? I ask that because this is the first man I've ever been with, all my past relationships have been with women....I feel like he definitely loves me but I'm not would you ladies handle it?