
I'm frustrated at my bf because I always have to repeat what I say to him. It could be the simplest things but for some reason he is incapable of hearing what I'm saying fully. There is always an excuse like the signal isn't good or he doesn't have good wifi but tbh I find that hard to believe considering he has a better phone than even I do. He does have ADD and I'm trying to be sensitive to that but honestly I feel he could try harder to be a better listener. He likes to play video games and I know for a fact many times he plays games while we speak on the phone. He is not a good multitasker so I'm not even sure why he tries to do both. I always end up getting upset at him for not communicating that he's playing his game and not giving me his full undivided attention which is what I need. I have gotten upset with him, told him I'm going to talk to someone else, fought with him over the same issue and I've just been given promises that he'll do better but I don't have much hope. I feel like there is nothing I can do at this point...