Was considered an induction?

Vanessa • 21. 1 baby, due with #2 02/07/20. Married

So I’m 38+5 today, and I’m thinking about my first pregnancy/delivery.

My water broke with my daughter at 37+5 and when we got to the hospital I was immediately given Pitocin. I honestly didn’t know what it was supposed to do, and I was to tired and lazy to ask (my bad)

My question is, would that be considered being induced? Or no since my water had broken spontaneously?

Asking because my body reacted really well with the pitocin, contractions were strong and I got the epidural. Got to sleep, woke up, pushed for 20 minutes and she was out.

I know every pregnancy is different, but tomorrow my OB & I are going to talk about induction for the weekend.