Relationship Vent ...

Living together ... first off he’s mad I’m on my period so he don’t wanna see me ... he waits until 12:30 to show up asks me to come to the car .. obv I was sleep I answered his second call and he hung up on me drove off to whoever’s and ignored my calls and texts till he got back and then proceeded to tel me he will come back (im already upset about several other things I just need to love him so this whole time I’m torn hurt and crying knowing damn well he would leave me if I did that to him) so he told me wait outside so I don’t take too long so I go outside 12:30 am and wait outside for an hour for him to stand me up and ignore my calls .. again. And this am he hasn’t contacted . He doesn’t care ... I’m tired of loving and loving just to get torn up ... I’m so tired