Am I the only one? 😞

I am struggling with my 3.5 year old with listening and tantrums and eating. I’m trying so hard to be patient and we go to toddler classes 3 times a week. Last year we tried preschool and it was a horrible experience and really set us back. He has separation anxiety because of it. He always starts the day off so well and we talk about sharing and making friends but when we get to class he screams if kids come by and want to play with what he’s doing. He won’t eat new foods and cries if we try and talk him through it. (Like what does it smell like or what does the food feel like) I’m just lost at what to do. I have a 15 month old who eats everything and loves interacting with others. It’s weird because the first 2.5 years he was in daycare before I started being a stay at home mom. I’m drained and feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I want him to be happy and have fun, but he is not listening... My biggest fear is new preschool is going to say the same come fall time. He does gym classes at it so I am hoping it helps. I get really sensitive about talking about this with my husband because I just want my boy to be happy and have friends. It’s just heartbreaking. I’m considering calling his doctor, but I don’t know what they would tell me and I don’t want to have this conversation in front of my son. Just needed to vent since I don’t know what else to do😞

He was really addicted to his binky and we took it away last August and I think that has been hard on him. My 15 month old lost interest at 9 months with the binky and I thought by him not having it too it would help, but my 3.5 year old still talks about how he had one and it went in the trash..

@jennifer thank you for your response. It makes me feel better hearing from someone else about the pacifier. I just felt guilty that maybe it was my fault! I know it may seem silly to keep this anonymous but I don’t want to feel judge or a failure.. we are going in for a screening to see your there is an emotionally develop issue and go from there. I’m glad to have support from the schools, but it’s been hard since I have gone to activity classes since September we haven’t connected with any other kids or moms. I try on my end, but it seems like a lot of people just don’t want new in their group.. or maybe it’s the behavior that is stirring them away but I’m just struggling here so thank you for your response.