Should I quit like he wants me to?

My boyfriend wants me to quit very badly. He makes more than enough to support us both but I feel weird about it like I am mooching off of him.

Backstory about us: we have been together for about three years, took a couple month break due to issues with an addiction on his part, but we are back together and while we are working on building trust again we came back together with the decision that we are committed and plan to eventually get married. (It was not an addiction that affected finances and wasn’t drugs).

Backstory about my job: it’s negative and toxic. I spend more waking hours there than I do at home because I work the late shift. I am not getting home until around 9:00PM every night. My coworkers have strong personalities which means: they are always right, if someone doesn’t act how they want they throw a fit, everything has to go their way, I am not allowed to have my own opinion, I don’t feel like I am responsible for anything anymore because my counterpart takes over everything. My boss obviously favors my counterpart and my opinions are not valued. I have heard coworkers talking crap about me on multiple occasions, it’s just all around bad. My counterpart actually acts like she’s my boss, by telling me what to do and tells me to redo things that she doesn’t like. What makes it worse is that these are all older coworkers that should show more professionalism. I work in a small office in education.

Now, I have been wanting to quit for awhile now and get into real estate. I am close to taking my license. I have been looking for a part time job to cover my bills while working in real estate but am having trouble finding one. My boyfriend wants me to just quit. He makes his own hours, so he has been staying home later so we can spend a couple hours together in the morning (especially while building trust) so he is not getting his work done as soon as it needs to be but says it’s worth it if we can work on us.

His reasoning for me to stay home is so I can 1. Study harder and take my test sooner 2. Help up keep the house because since we both work a lot it gets messy/stuff doesn’t get done easy 3. Help take care of the dogs, we have six right now (don’t want six just fostering and looking for homes) and he does it basically all himself because he’s the one home during the day (I have about three hours in the morning and I am trying to study, take care of the house, take care of the dogs, and get in some ‘me time’ so I don’t go insane. 4. Because the work environment is toxic, I am always upset or grumpy or complaining because of how I’m treated and he says he would rather not hear about it

5. Being gone into the night is making it harder for us to communicate and really get through our struggles together

6. He’ll be able to take over his work again how it should be getting done.

7. I do all the paperwork for his business so he said I would have more time to focus on it and get it done better. I would also be able to help out more with the actual business side of things not just the paperwork because I have time now.

I feel weird just up and quitting. I’ve been here for a year and a half and I feel weird not working. Do I quit to work on our relationship and build toward my future career? I am already signed on with a brokerage and the broker himself said he would personally train me. Also, I have just about six months worth of bills saved up. My boyfriend says I wouldn’t have to use it because he would cover it but it would be for emergencies. Is it mooching? I mean, I’m working toward something so I don’t know. Advice?