KaLeigh • Much love and Baby Dust🌈. Praying for our 🌈baby soon. 6 yrs ttc. One loss. Lossing hope.

Went to the doctor today and they saw this on my ultrasound. Didnt know i was prego last time i was so never had one before. They found a cyst on my left ovary thats 5cm which solves all my pain ive been having and then they saw this This round thing. They believe its 4 weeks. So they are thinking im pregnant but all the prego tests have been negative. They are saying its too early! i dont know what to think or how to feel. Been trying to concieve for 6yrs. And ive never seen this on all the ultrasounds ive had. What do yall think? I know there are moms on here. Ahhhhh