My DH is not the best with my 4mo...

Ky • Married to my best friend👩🏾❤️👨 Living in Europe Mommy to Marcel 🌈👶🏽

So I'm a sahm and also ebf so I'm constantly with the baby.. When my DH is out of work I want and need a break obviously but my little guy just get so fussy with his dad and my DH just gives up instantly saying he doesn't know why he's like that. When I try and give him feedback he always gets defensive thinking I'm saying he's a crappy father when it's not even like that. It's so weird too because we've been together 8yrs married 4 and when I had my little one it seems my feelings changed for my DH.. I know hes not a natural at being a father but I didn't think that I would almost hate him for it. It really doesn't help that I also have pp depression 😔Has anyone else gone through this.. Does it get better.. Will I see my DH differently