Constant stupid yeast infections.

I'm 7 months pregnant and it seems like every time I finish a treatment for a yeast infection, it just comes right back. No matter what I do I'm still having a lot of runny discharge (and yes I did get it tested to make sure it wasn't amniotic fluid.) That makes it so that either I can change my underwear every freaking time I pee, or I can use panty liners (which even not pregnant I have to do because apparently a lot of discharge is my "normal"). I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that my stupid labia minora is goddamned long as hell on one side, the other side is long but not as bad. I hate it because it's always irritated from chafing or some shit and doesn't let the discharge out.. You get the picture. Does ANYONE have any recommendations?? I'm tired of this crap, I can't take fluconazole or any other oral medication while pregnant, and yeast infections can trigger preterm labor.