Do you let men cum inside you even if you're on birth control?

I see this ALL THE TIME on here about women allowing that and then are baffled when they end up pregnant 🤦‍♀️ like why do let him do that if you really dont want to get pregnant?! Does anybody else find it ridiculous?

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Posted at
I don’t find it ridiculous because birth control is 98-99% effective. Chances are they won’t get pregnant. Birth control is designed to protect you. Letting your partner cum inside you won’t lower your percentage of being safe.


Amanda Stephine • Feb 1, 2020
I am referring to the failure rate difference by the way


Amanda Stephine • Feb 1, 2020
Not to mention, you have similar chances of GETTING PREGNANT while still using a condom, so OPs logic makes no sense. Especially considering birth control has a higher protection rate than condoms


Posted at
Why is it ridiculous? That's the whole point of the pill.


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Random men? No that’s a bad idea just waiting to happen Someone I plan on building a future with? Yes.


Posted at
I find it absolutely disgusting the amount of people who don’t want a baby but are happy to risk sexual diseases 🤢😷😷😷


Me • Jan 30, 2020
Apparently people are under the impression that a baby is worse than an incurable sexually transmitted disease 🤔


Posted at
Before my husband I was on BC but still used condoms religiously. My husband, now that’s a different story. We figured if a baby happened then it was meant to be haha


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What do you suppose women do? Use a condom? Because birth control has a higher success rate of protecting against pregnancy than condoms. And you can still get pregnant even if they don't cum inside you, so there's that


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my ex came in me for our whole relationship and i never once got pregnant lol


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Yes because I wanted my coil out for ages but had to wait until the 3 years was up, we wanted a baby for so long