Baby got strep throat 🙈 does she need antibiotics?

So I had a little girl with strep in my house (didn’t know she had strep at the time) and once I found out she did have it I went CRAZY with cleaning. I did literally everything I could do to try to prevent my 10 month old from getting it.

Well she woke up today with a stuffy nose and hoarse voice 😕 Taking her to the doctor soon but I can almost guarantee it’s strep.

I feel so bad for my little one! Now someone told me that babies don’t need antibiotics for strep because they don’t get it the way adults do and aren’t at risk for the same complications. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I’m wondering if any of you could share your experience with your babes having strep before I go to the doctor and listen to what they have to say. Thanks in advance!